Ease Your People Processes with our HR Services
HR and compliance tools made just for small businesses.

HR Help that is Cheap to Get Online or in Person
Compliance, Convenience and Confidence Included.
Simplify Beyond Payroll
payroll help small businesses and home employers save time and money.

Health Insurance
Give your workers peace of mind and your company a cheap edge over the competition.

401(k) plans are a great way for businesses to save money on taxes and draw and keep good employees.

Workers’ Compensation
Workers' compensation plans that make sense will protect your business and your staff.
Need help? We Know The Answers.
With Our HR, driven by Mineral, you can do less and get more done. Our HR services in the USA, along with payroll services, make HR and compliance easier. Start a conversation to find out more.
How do I know if I need HR software?
You should think about our HR if you spend more time managing people than growing your business, taking care of your customers, and helping your workers.
- Figure out which people tasks are taking up too much of your time and money.
- Find out how much money you could make by shifting your time from back-office administrative tasks to helping your workers grow and the business itself.
- Integrating your online resources, such as HR, payroll, accounting tools, time clock solutions, and more, can save you time and help you stay compliant.
How can HR software or a tool help my small business?
Our HR, which is powered by Mineral, makes it easier and faster to handle people tasks. This gives you more time to grow your business, take care of your customers, and help your workers. It also helps you stay in line with regulations.
What does our HR have to offer?
Each HR plan comes with tools and advice that can help you better handle your employees, cut down on mistakes, keep them on board, and stay in line with employment laws and rules. Features may include the following, depending on the plan:
- Effectively handle hiring, teaching, and reviewing employees' work.
- You can change the policies and procedures, job descriptions, and e-learning tools that your employees need.
- Get in touch with qualified HR experts to get answers to your problems and questions.
Why does our HR need to know about my small business?
If you tell our HR, which is powered by Mineral, about your business type, location, and number of employees, it can tailor alerts, tools, recommendations, and other information to you.
Can I get your HR even if I don't do payroll?
Right now, you need to sign up for our payment services before you can use our HR. Click here to find out more about our payroll services.
Ready to
work with us?
Now that you know us, get ready to make things easier for your business. You can call us, start the registration process online, or use our live chat to get your questions answered right away.